Oct 14, 2022

The pandemic has undoubtedly pushed tech giants to think outside of the box in terms of the way people connect and communicate While life may be returning to normal though the virus has left an indelible mark particularly in the... Read more

Mar 10, 2023

Influencer marketing has now cemented its place in brands digital marketing budgets Having moved beyond the test and learn phase brands now have first hand proof of its efficacy in engaging audiences and promoting authenticity and trust And so brands... Read more

May 18, 2023

Simran Kaur nbsp and nbsp Sonya Gupthan nbsp call their journey an unlearning process overcoming insecurities that they didn t have the right background education or experience to make investments The two Aucklanders friends since they were five started their... Read more

Apr 12, 2023

The Department of Consumer Affairs has recently said that the government is putting out guidelines for influencers promoting health and wellness products and services It will become mandatory for influencers in this category to display their qualifications to the department... Read more

Apr 17, 2023

The days of spray-and-pray advertising are dead They have been for a long time These days nbsp audience targeting nbsp is a critical part of any marketing campaign Most marketers use Big Data the decade's sexiest buzzword to target prospects... Read more

Nov 09, 2022

Martechseries Influencer marketing has skyrocketed in popularity as an advertising channel The creator market is estimated to reach billion this year with influencer marketing expected to grow just over billion With more than of marketers planning to increase their budgets... Read more

Apr 13, 2023

The so-called de-influencing trend is making corporate marketing teams around the world sit up and listen It happens when people take to social media and urge their followers not to buy certain goods They may be doing so to promote... Read more

Oct 21, 2022

Mashable Capitalism at its finest It's nearly impossible to scroll through my nbsp TikTok nbsp For You Page without being faced with an onslaught of influencers trying to get me to buy something from their nbsp Amazon nbsp storefronts I... Read more

Jul 19, 2023

Is Barbie the ultimate influencer A deep dive into the brand s enduring relevanceFor over half a century Barbie has been reigned as a cultural icon around the globe Not only was Barbie was one of the first toys from... Read more

Jul 04, 2023

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing businesses are always on the hunt for fresh and inventive ways to promote their products and services Influencer marketing has risen to prominence in recent years creating a significant impact across a wide... Read more

Jul 06, 2023

Gen Z consumers are percent more likely to take their friends recommendation over an influencer or a celebrity while making a purchase decision revealed a study from Yuvaa Gen Z consumers are percent more likely to take their friends' recommendation... Read more

Apr 03, 2024

The steady popularity of influencer marketing coupled with rapid advancements in AI and metaverse technology is fueling the growth of a new social media superstar virtual influencers These computer-generated personalities function a lot like real human influencers They post selfies... Read more